AMRPE Organization


Association of Montana Retired Public Employees By-Laws

Article I Objectives

  1. To promote economic security (adequate pensions, i.e., necessary, periodic and/or ad hoc pension adjustments).
  2. To involve AMRPE in legislative matters that impact the membership.
  3. To cooperate with other like groups with similar interests and objectives.
  4. To develop a coalition effort when required to aid and enhance legislative and legal pursuits.
  5. To support quality, affordable health insurance and related programs for retired public employees.
  6. To promote representation of one or more AMRPE eligible retirees as members of the Public Employees Retirement Board.
  7. To encourage representation by at least one AMRPE Board member at all meetings of the Public Employees Retirement Board.
  8. To promote the continued solvency of the Montana Public Employee Retirement Administration-administered retirement systems and to be influential in any changes affecting the systems.
  9. To maintain AMRPE as an independent and self-governing body.
  10. To engage in any other retirement-related activity that the Board deems appropriate.

Article II Membership

Membership in the Association shall consist of the following classifications: Active and Honorary.

  1. Membership in the Association shall be open to any person who is presently receiving monthly benefits from or is paying into the Public Employees’ Retirement System. Membership shall also be open to any person who is presently receiving benefits from, or is paying into, any of the other retirement systems administered by the Public Employees Retirement Board.  This includes any person who is either drawing survivor benefits or designated to eventually draw survivor benefits.
  2. Membership year shall run from January 01 through December 31.
  3. Membership dues will be set by the Board, to be effective January 01 of the following year.

Article III Governing Body

  1. A Board of Directors, herein referred to as the Board, shall manage the affairs of this Association.  Actions by the Board to change these By-Laws must be by at least a 2/3 vote of the Board.
  2. The Board of this Association consists of nine members. From those nine members, the Board shall elect the following officers: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.  The officers shall serve one-year terms beginning January 01.
  3. The Board members and officers will be nominated by the Nominating Committee, which will consist of at least three Board members.  Board members will serve three-year terms expiring on December 31 of the third year.  The officers and three Board members will be elected prior to December 31 of each year and will take office the following January 01.  No member elected or re-elected to the Board for the term beginning January 01, 2014, or thereafter may serve more than three consecutive terms of three years, unless there is at least a one-year break in service after the third consecutive three-year term.
  4. A vacancy during a Board member’s term because of death, resignation, removal, disqualification, or otherwise, for the remainder of the term will be filled by the Board based on recommendations by the Nominating Committee.
  5. A vacancy during an officer’s term will be filled by the Board. If necessary, the president may appoint an interim officer to fill the vacancy until the next meeting of the Board.
  6. In the event of two or more unexcused absences from regularly scheduled meetings by a Board member during a six-month period, the Board may initiate an inquiry to the absent member as to the reasons for the absences. After the inquiry is complete, the Board at the next regularly scheduled meeting will review the absentee’s reasons for being absent and the absentee’s position performance while on the Board. Then by majority vote of the Board, which will be recorded in the minutes, the Board will exercise one of the following options: (A) Excuse the absences and ask the Board member to continue on the Board, or (B) Declare the position open because of absenteeism and appoint a new member to that position in accordance with Article III, paragraph 4, above.
  7. Duties of officers and members.

A. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association and shall preside at all meetings of the Board and general membership. Immediately after installation he/she shall appoint chairpersons and members of the following committees: Audit, By-Laws, Contractor Coordinating, Nominating, Membership, Legislative, and any other committees as needed. The president will serve as an ex officio member of all committees. The president will announce the business agenda, call meetings to order, bring before the Board all questions properly presented, and decide all questions of order. He/she may sign checks authorized for payment.  He/she will act as spokesperson for the Association unless another person is appointed or expected to do so on a specific matter.

B. The Vice President will, in the absence of the president, perform the duties of the president, and when so acting have all the powers and limitations of the president. The vice president will also perform such other duties as directed by the president.

C. The Secretary will ensure that the minutes of the Board meetings are recorded and preserved, see that notices are duly given in accordance with these By-Laws, be custodian of the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws, keep a file copy of all correspondence mailed out by the Association, and come to each meeting prepared to read minutes of the last meeting. The Secretary will ensure that the Desk Manual for Contractor for the Association of Retirement Montana Public Employees (AMRPE) (Desk Manual) is current and accurate, and perform all duties assigned by the president or the Board.

D. The Treasurer shall be insured for faithful discharge of his/her duties in such sum and with such coverage as the Board shall determine. He/she shall have charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds and securities of the Association, including the receipt of monies due and payable to the Association from any source whatsoever, and shall ensure the prompt deposit of all such monies in the name of the Association in such banks or financial institutions as shall be selected by the Board. All expenditures of funds shall require authorization of the treasurer or either the president or vice president. The treasurer will pay all bills as they become due following a yearly budget approved by the Board. Expenditures in excess of budgeted amounts must receive prior Board approval. The treasurer will keep an itemized ledger of all deposits and withdrawals. All bills presented for payment will be kept on file for five years. The treasurer will come to each meeting prepared to give an itemized financial report of all transactions, incoming and outgoing, as well as current balances. The treasurer will be responsible to complete all Internal Revenue Service forms and reports required of the Association. The treasurer will file with the Montana Secretary of State, the corporation Annual Report as required by law. The treasurer will also perform such other duties as assigned by the president or the Board.

E. Board members will attend Board meetings and other meetings where the Association’s attendance is required. Board members will also perform such other duties as assigned by the president and the Board.

Article IV Meetings

  1. Board meetings will usually be held the third Tuesday of each month, except for June, July, and August. One or more monthly meetings may be waived by a majority vote of the Board.
  2. Board members will be advised in advance of the time, place, and agenda for each meeting.
  3. All interested members are encouraged to attend and will be welcome at all meetings.
  4. Special Board meetings may be called as necessary by the president.

Article V Parliamentary Procedures

The meetings of the Association shall be conducted in compliance with the Association’s Articles of Incorporation and these By-Laws. During such meetings, Robert’s Rules of Order may be used as guidance.


Article VI Standing Rules and Operating Procedures

  1. The Audit Committee will make an annual internal fiscal examination of the Association’s accounts and records. The Audit Committee will consist of a chairperson and two members. The treasurer will assist the Audit Committee as requested.  Results from the examination will be presented to the Board.
  2. The By-Laws will be reviewed at least biennially by the by-laws committee, which will submit recommended changes, if any, to the Board.
  3. The incumbent of each office will help maintain the AMRPE Desk Manual.
  4. Any member may submit to the Board information on any item or issue that he/she feels the Association should consider as part of its business. All items so submitted will be taken under consideration and the action of the results be conveyed to the members.
  5. A portion of the Association’s assets may be kept in long-term, interest-bearing accounts, in accordance with the Association’s Investment Policy Statement.
  6. The Board will not distribute or sell for use as a mailing list any list of members.
  7. The Board shall indemnify its officers and directors with respect to any actions taken within the scope of their positions.
We encourage all retired Montana Public Employees to join our association.

If you are already a member, please recruit a friend!